9:26 Children of the living God. There is a prediction of the same import as Ho 2:23, which Paul quotes in Ho 1:10. Both passages show that the gospel call to the Gentiles is only in harmony with the long-declared purpose of God.

9:26 There shall they be called the sons of God - So that they need not leave their own country and come to Judea. Hosea 1:10

9:25-29 The rejecting of the Jews, and the taking in the Gentiles, were foretold in the Old Testament. It tends very much to the clearing of a truth, to observe how the Scripture is fulfilled in it. It is a wonder of Divine power and mercy that there are any saved: for even those left to be a seed, if God had dealt with them according to their sins, had perished with the rest. This great truth this Scripture teaches us. Even among the vast number of professing Christians it is to be feared that only a remnant will be saved.