16:21 {5} Timotheus my workfellow, and Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater, my kinsmen, salute you.

(5) He adds salutations, partly to renew mutual friendship, and partly to the end that this epistle might be of some weight with the Romans, having the confirmation of so many that subscribed to it.

16:21 Timothy. That Timothy was with Paul at this time, we learn from Ac 20:4. He joins with other companions of Paul in greetings.

Lucius. Possibly, Lucius of Cyrene (Ac 13:1).

Jason. Possibly the one named in Ac 17:5.

Sosipater. The same name as Sopater. See Ac 20:4.

Kinsmen. Countrymen; Jews.

16:21 Timotheus my fellowlabourer - Here he is named even before St. Paul's kinsmen. But as he had never been at Rome, he is not named in the beginning of the epistle.

16:21-24 The apostle adds affectionate remembrances from persons with him, known to the Roman Christians. It is a great comfort to see the holiness and usefulness of our kindred. Not many mighty, not many noble are called, but some are. It is lawful for believers to bear civil offices; and it were to be wished that all offices in Christian states, and in the church, were bestowed upon prudent and steady Christians.