7:10 {9} And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.

(9) The praise of God, celebrated first by the holy men, in this verse, then by the heavenly angels, in the two verses following Re 7:11,12.

7:10 Salvation to our God... and unto the Lamb. The praise of our salvation be given to God and to the Lamb.

7:10 Salvation to our God - Who hath saved us from all evil into all the happiness of heaven. The salvation for which they praise God is described, verse 15; Rev 7:15 that for which they praise the Lamb, verse 14; Rev 7:14 and both, in the sixteenth and seventeenth verse s. Rev 7:16,17

7:9-12 The first fruits of Christ having led the way, the Gentiles converted later follow, and ascribe their salvation to God and the Redeemer, with triumph. In acts of religious worship we come nigh to God, and must come by Christ; the throne of God could not be approached by sinners, were it not for a Mediator. They were clothed with the robes of justification, holiness, and victory; and they had palms in their hands, as conquerors used to appear in their triumphs. Such a glorious appearance will the faithful servants of God make at last, when they have fought the good fight of faith, and finished their course. With a loud voice they gave to God and the Lamb the praise of the great salvation. Those who enjoy eternal happiness must and will bless both the Father and the Son; they will do it publicly, and with fervour. We see what is the work of heaven, and we ought to begin it now, to have our hearts much in it, and to long for that world where our praises, as well as our happiness, will be made perfect.