16:19 {26} And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations {27} fell: and great {28} Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

(26) The seat or standing place of Antichrist.

(27) Of all who cleave to Antichrist and fight against Christ.

(28) That harlot, of whom in the next chapter following. Now this phrase to come into remembrance is from the Hebrew language, borrowed from men, and attributed to God.

16:19 And the great city. The great spiritual Babylon, the woman that sitteth on the beast (Re 17:3-5).

Was divided into three parts. It was broken asunder, and shaken into pieces by the great upheaval. It is difficult to settle what is meant by three parts. Perhaps the three unclean spirits (Re 16:13), which represent the dragon, the beast and the false prophet, are henceforth parted from each other. If this should be signified, it would mean that worldly government would henceforth be rescued from Satan's influence, and that spiritual powers would never henceforth give homage to the world.

Great Babylon came in remembrance before God. The wrath of God is poured out because of her sins.

16:19 And the great city - Namely, Jerusalem, here opposed to the heathen cities in general, and in particular to Rome. And the cities of the nations fell - Were utterly overthrown. And Babylon was remembered before God - He did not forget the vengeance which was due to her, though the execution of it was delayed.

16:17-21 The seventh and last angel poured forth his vial, and the downfal of Babylon was finished. The church triumphant in heaven saw it and rejoiced; the church in conflict on earth saw it and became triumphant. God remembered the great and wicked city; though for some time he seemed to have forgotten her idolatry and cruelty. All that was most secure was carried away by the ruin. Men blasphemed: the greatest judgments that can befal men, will not bring to repentance without the grace of God. To be hardened against God, by his righteous judgments, is a certain token of sure and utter destruction.