15:5 {9} And after that I looked, and, behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened:

(9) The second part of the narration (as was noted in) see Geneva (4) Re 15:2 in which first the authority of the whole argument and matter is figured by a forerunning type of a temple opened in heaven, as in Re 11:19 namely that all those things are divine and of God, that proceed from thence in this verse. Secondly, the administers or executors, come out of the Temple in Re 15:6. Thirdly, they are furnished with instruments of the judgments of God, and weapons fit for the manner of the same judgments; Re 15:7. Finally, they are confirmed by testimony of the visible glory of God, in Re 15:8. A similar testimony to which was exhibited of old in the law; Ex 40:34.

15:5 After that I looked. The apostle looks again and

Behold, the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened. The tabernacle of the testimony was the Holy of Holies. Into it none but the High Priest entered, and he only to make intercession for the forgiveness of sins. It is the type of the Holy of Holies above, the mercy seat in the heavens where our High Priest intercedes for us, and where the smoke of the incense of prayer arises to God.

15:5 After these things the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony - The holiest of all. Was opened - Disclosing a new theatre for the coming forth of the judgments of God now made manifest.

15:5-8 In the judgments God executes upon antichrist and his followers, he fulfils the prophecies and promises of his word. These angels are prepared for their work, clothed with pure and white linen, their breasts girded with golden girdles, representing the holiness, and righteousness, and excellence of these dealings with men. They are ministers of Divine justice, and do every thing in a pure and holy manner. They were armed with the wrath of God against his enemies. Even the meanest creature, when armed with the anger of God, will be too hard for any man in the world. The angels received the vials from one of the four living creatures, one of the ministers of the true church, as in answer to the prayers of the ministers and people of God. Antichrist could not be destroyed without a great shock to all the world, and even the people of God would be in trouble and confusion while the great work was doing. The greatest deliverances of the church are brought about by awful and astonishing steps of Providence; and the happy state of the true church will not begin till obstinate enemies shall be destroyed, and lukewarm or formal Christians are purified. Then, whatever is against Scripture being purged away, the whole church shall be spiritual, and the whole being brought to purity, unity, and spirituality, shall be firmly established.