74:13 Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the {i} dragons in the waters.

(i) That is, Pharaoh's army.

74:13 Dragons - He means Pharaoh and his mighty men.

74:12-17 The church silences her own complaints. What God had done for his people, as their King of old, encouraged them to depend on him. It was the Lord's doing, none besides could do it. This providence was food to faith and hope, to support and encourage in difficulties. The God of Israel is the God of nature. He that is faithful to his covenant about the day and the night, will never cast off those whom he has chosen. We have as much reason to expect affliction, as to expect night and winter. But we have no more reason to despair of the return of comfort, than to despair of day and summer. And in the world above we shall have no more changes.