8:31 {n} Rejoicing in the habitable part of {o} his earth; and my delights [were] with the sons of men.

(n) By which is declared that the work of the creation was no pain, but a solace to the wisdom of God.

(o) By earth he means men, which is the work of God in whom wisdom took pleasure: in that as for man's sake the divine wisdom took man's nature, and dwelt among us, and filled us with unspeakable treasures, and this is the solace and pastime of which is here spoken.

8:31 My delights were - To uphold them by my power and providence, to reveal myself and my Father's will to them from age to age, to assume their nature, and to redeem and save them.

8:22-31 The Son of God declares himself to have been engaged in the creation of the world. How able, how fit is the Son of God to be the Saviour of the world, who was the Creator of it! The Son of God was ordained, before the world, to that great work. Does he delight in saving wretched sinners, and shall not we delight in his salvation?