26:47 And while he yet spake, lo, Judas, one of the twelve, came, and with him a great multitude with swords and staves, {u} from the chief priests and elders of the people.

(u) Sent from the high Priests.

26:47 Judas, one of the twelve, came. Judas knew the place where the Lord would go to pass the night (Joh 18:2). Compare Mr 14:43-50 Lu 22:47-53 Joh 18:3-12.

A great multitude. Roman soldiers (Joh 18:3,12), the temple guard, the captains of the temple (Lu 22:52), and possibly some priests and scribes.

With swords. In the hands of the soldiers.

Staves. Clubs. The rabble with the soldiers carried these.

The chief priests and elders. The Sanhedrin.

26:47 Mark 14:43; Luke 22:47; John 18:2.

26:47-56 No enemies are so much to be abhorred as those professed disciples that betray Christ with a kiss. God has no need of our services, much less of our sins, to bring about his purposes. Though Christ was crucified through weakness, it was voluntary weakness; he submitted to death. If he had not been willing to suffer, they could not conquer him. It was a great sin for those who had left all to follow Jesus; now to leave him for they knew not what. What folly, for fear of death to flee from Him, whom they knew and acknowledged to be the Fountain of life!