18:17 {6} And if he shall {h} neglect to hear them, tell [it] unto the {i} church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as {k} an heathen man and a publican.

(6) He that condemns the judgment of the Church, condemns God.

(h) Literally, does not condescend to hear, or make as though he did not hear.

(i) He speaks not of just any policy, but of an ecclesiastical assembly, for he speaks afterward of the power of loosing and binding, which belonged to the Church, and he has regard for the order used in those days, at which time the elders had the judgment of Church matters in their hands, Joh 9:22 12:4216:2, and used casting out of the synagogue for a punishment, as we do now by excommunication.

(k) Profane, and void of religion: such men, the Jews called Gentiles: whose company they shunned, as they did the publicans.

18:17 Tell [it] unto the church. If neither effort is of avail, then report it to the church for action. This is the second instance in the New Testament use of the word church. The first is in Mt 16:18.

If he neglect to hear the church. The admonition and entreaty of the church through its elders. The church has power to admonish and to exclude.

Let him be to thee as an heathen man and a publican. Have no religious fellowship with him, more than you would have with a heathen, or a publican. The publicans were usually apostate Jews. The orthodox Jews had no social intercourse with heathen or publicans.

18:15-20 If a professed Christian is wronged by another, he ought not to complain of it to others, as is often done merely upon report, but to go to the offender privately, state the matter kindly, and show him his conduct. This would generally have all the desired effect with a true Christian, and the parties would be reconciled. The principles of these rules may be practised every where, and under all circumstances, though they are too much neglected by all. But how few try the method which Christ has expressly enjoined to all his disciples! In all our proceedings we should seek direction in prayer; we cannot too highly prize the promises of God. Wherever and whenever we meet in the name of Christ, we should consider him as present in the midst of us.