13:1 And {1} as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings [are here]!

(1) The destruction of the temple, city, and whole nation is foretold, and the troubles of the Church: but yet there are many comforts added, and last of all, the end of the world is described.

13:1 Christ's Discourse on the Last Days


The Destruction of the Temple Foretold. The Persecution of the Saints. The Gospel Preached to All Nations. The Awful Calamities of the Jewish Nation. Christ's Coming to Judgment. The Hour When He Shall Come Not Known. Watch, Pray, and Be Ready.

As he went out of the temple. This whole discourse is reported most fully by Matthew in Mt 24:1-51, on which see notes. Compare Lu 21:5-38. I only notice here what is peculiar to Mark.

13:1 Mt 24:1; Lu 21:5.

13:1-4 See how little Christ values outward pomp, where there is not real purity of heart. He looks with pity upon the ruin of precious souls, and weeps over them, but we do not find him look with pity upon the ruin of a fine house. Let us then be reminded how needful it is for us to have a more lasting abode in heaven, and to be prepared for it by the influences of the Holy Spirit, sought in the earnest use of all the means of grace.