9:44 {l} Let these sayings sink down into your ears: for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.

(l) Give diligent ear to them, and once you have heard them see that you keep them.

9:43-45 He said unto his disciples. For this second statement of the Lord's suffering at Jerusalem, see notes on Mt 17:22-23 Mr 9:30-32

9:44 Let these sayings sink down into your ears - That is, consider them deeply. In joy remember the cross. So wisely does our Lord balance praise with sufferings. Mt 17:22; Mr 9:31.

9:43-50 This prediction of Christ's sufferings was plain enough, but the disciples would not understand it, because it agreed not with their notions. A little child is the emblem by which Christ teaches us simplicity and humility. What greater honour can any man attain to in this world, than to be received by men as a messenger of God and Christ; and to have God and Christ own themselves received and welcomed in him! If ever any society of Christians in this world, had reason to silence those not of their own communion, the twelve disciples at this time had; yet Christ warned them not to do the like again. Those may be found faithful followers of Christ, and may be accepted of him, who do not follow with us.