6:1-5 The Twelve Apostles Chosen


The Son of Man Lord of the Sabbath. The Man with the Withered Hand Healed. Accused of Sabbath-Breaking. The Apostles Chosen. Blessings and Woes. Returning Good for Evil. Evil and Good Fruit. The Wise and Foolish Builders.

On the second sabbath after the first. The common text, the second-first in the Greek, is referred by Godet to second-first Sunday of the year. The first first Sabbath was the first Sabbath of the civil year; the second first was the first sabbath of the religious year. It came in the spring.

Plucked. For notes on the controversy caused by the Lord's disciples plucking the ears of wheat on the Sabbath, see Mt 12:1-14. Compare also Mr 2:23-28 3:1-5.

Ears of corn. Of wheat or barley.

6:4 1Sa 21:6.

6:1-5 Christ justifies his disciples in a work of necessity for themselves on the sabbath day, and that was plucking the ears of corn when they were hungry. But we must take heed that we mistake not this liberty for leave to commit sin. Christ will have us to know and remember that it is his day, therefore to be spent in his service, and to his honour.