4:22 {4} And all {e} bare him witness, and {f} wondered at the {g} gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth. And they said, Is not this Joseph's son?

(4) Familiarity causes Christ to be condemned and therefore he often goes to strangers.

(e) Approved those things which he spoke with common consent and voice: for this word witness signifies in this place (and many others) to allow and approve a thing with open confession.

(f) Present at this meeting of the scriptures were not only the learned, but also the common people: and besides that, their mother tongue was used, for how else could the people have wondered? Paul appointed the same manner for doing things in the Church at Corinth; 1Co 14:1-40.

(g) Words full of the mighty power of God, which appeared in all his doings, and as well allured men marvellously unto him; see Ps 45:2, grace is poured into thy lips.

4:22 Bare him witness, and wondered. As he proceeded with his discourse.

Is not this Joseph's son? They were astonished that Joseph's son, without rabbinical education, could speak with such power and knowledge.

4:22 The gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth - A person of spiritual discernment may find in all the discourses of our Lord a peculiar sweetness, gravity, and becomingness, such as is not to be found in the same degree, not even in those of the apostles.

4:14-30 Christ taught in their synagogues, their places of public worship, where they met to read, expound, and apply the word, to pray and praise. All the gifts and graces of the Spirit were upon him and on him, without measure. By Christ, sinners may be loosed from the bonds of guilt, and by his Spirit and grace from the bondage of corruption. He came by the word of his gospel, to bring light to those that sat in the dark, and by the power of his grace, to give sight to those that were blind. And he preached the acceptable year of the Lord. Let sinners attend to the Saviour's invitation when liberty is thus proclaimed. Christ's name was Wonderful; in nothing was he more so than in the word of his grace, and the power that went along with it. We may well wonder that he should speak such words of grace to such graceless wretches as mankind. Some prejudice often furnishes an objection against the humbling doctrine of the cross; and while it is the word of God that stirs up men's enmity, they will blame the conduct or manner of the speaker. The doctrine of God's sovereignty, his right to do his will, provokes proud men. They will not seek his favour in his own way; and are angry when others have the favours they neglect. Still is Jesus rejected by multitudes who hear the same message from his words. While they crucify him afresh by their sins, may we honour him as the Son of God, the Saviour of men, and seek to show we do so by our obedience.