21:1-4 Discourse on the Last Days


The Widow's Mites. The Question Concerning the Overthrow of the Temple. The Woes Coming Upon the Jewish Nation Foretold. The Signs That Shall Precede the Last Day.

Saw the rich men casting their gifts. For notes on the Widow's Mites, see Mr 12:41-44.

21:1-4 From the offering of this poor widow, learn that what we rightly give for the relief of the poor, and the support of God's worship, is given unto God; and our Saviour sees with pleasure whatever we have in our hearts to give for the relief of his members, or for his service. Blessed Lord! the poorest of thy servants have two mites, they have a soul and a body; persuade and enable us to offer both unto thee; how happy shall we be in thine accepting of them!