4:19 And the people came up out of Jordan on the tenth [day] of the {h} first month, and encamped in Gilgal, in the east border of Jericho.

(h) Called Abib or Nisan, containing part of March and part of April.

4:19 The first month - Namely, of Nisan, which wanted but five days of forty years from the time of their coming out of Egypt, which was on the fifteenth day of this month. So punctual is God in the performing of his word, whether promised or threatened. And this day was very seasonable for the taking up of the lambs which were to he used four days after, according to the law, Exod 12:3,6. Gilgal - A place afterwards so called, Jos 5:9.

4:10-19 The priests with the ark did not stir till ordered to move. Let none be weary of waiting, while they have the tokens of God's presence with them, even the ark of the covenant, though it be in the depths of adversity. Notice is taken of the honour put upon Joshua. Those are feared in the best manner, and to the best purpose, who make it appear that God is with them, and that they set him before them.