1:12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught [it], but by the {i} revelation of Jesus Christ.

(i) This passage is about an extraordinary revelation, for otherwise the Son revealed his Gospel only by his Spirit, even though by the ministry of men, which Paul excludes here.

1:12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught [it]. It could not be of man, for it did not come to him from man. No preacher or apostle taught it to him.

But by the revelation of Jesus Christ. It came by a direct revelation of Christ. The first revelation was on the way to Damascus (Ac 26:13-18). There were no doubt successive revelations (2Co 12:1).

1:12 For neither did I receive it - At once. Nor was I taught it - Slowly and gradually, by any man. But by the revelation of Jesus Christ - Our Lord revealed to him at first, his resurrection, ascension, and the calling of the gentiles, and his own apostleship; and told him then, there were other things for which he would appear to him.

1:10-14 In preaching the gospel, the apostle sought to bring persons to the obedience, not of men, but of God. But Paul would not attempt to alter the doctrine of Christ, either to gain their favour, or to avoid their fury. In so important a matter we must not fear the frowns of men, nor seek their favour, by using words of men's wisdom. Concerning the manner wherein he received the gospel, he had it by revelation from Heaven. He was not led to Christianity, as many are, merely by education.