33:22 Now the {k} hand of the LORD was upon me in the evening, before he that had escaped came; and had opened my mouth, until he came to me in the morning; and my {l} mouth was opened, and I was no more dumb.

(k) I was endued with the Spirit of prophecy, Eze 3:22.

(l) By which is signified that the ministers of God cannot give them courage and open their mouths, Eze 24:27,29:21, Eph 6:19.

33:22 Opened my mouth - Not that the prophet was utterly dumb before, for he had prophesied against many nations, only he was forbidden to say anything of the Jews, But now the spirit moved him to speak, and continued his motion, 'till the messenger came, and ever after.

33:21-29 Those are unteachable indeed, who do not learn their dependence upon God, when all creature-comforts fail. Many claim an interest in the peculiar blessings to true believers, while their conduct proves them enemies of God. They call this groundless presumption strong faith, when God's testimony declares them entitled to his threatenings, and nothing else.