17:10 Yea, behold, [being] planted, shall it prosper? shall it not utterly wither, {i} when the east wind toucheth it? it shall wither in the furrows where it grew.

(i) By this dry wind he means the Babylonians.

17:10 Yea - Suppose this vine were planted by the help of Egypt. The east wind - When the king of Babylon, who like the blasting wind comes from the north - east, shall but touch it, it shall wither. In the furrows - Even amidst its greatest helps, to make it flourish.

17:1-10 Mighty conquerors are aptly likened to birds or beasts of prey, but their destructive passions are overruled to forward God's designs. Those who depart from God, only vary their crimes by changing one carnal confidence for another, and never will prosper.