28:2 And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for {a} glory and for beauty.

(a) By which his office may be known to be glorious and excellent.

28:2 The priests garments were made for glory and beauty - Some of the richest materials were to be provided, and the belt artists employed in making them, whose skill God, by a special gift, would improve to a very high degree. Eminency, even in common arts, is a gift of God; it comes from him, and, ought to be used for him. The garments appointed were, Four, which both the high - priest and the inferior priests wore, viz. The linen breeches, the linen coat, the linen girdle which fastened it to them, and the bonnet; that which the high - priest wore is called a mitre. Four more which were peculiar to the high - priest, the ephod, with the curious girdle of it, the breast - plate of judgment, the long robe, and the golden plate on his forehead. These glorious garments, were appointed, That the priests themselves might be minded of the dignity of their office. That the people might thereby be possessed with a holy reverence of that God whose ministers appeared in such grandeur. That the priests might be types of Christ, and of all Christians who have the beauty of holiness put upon them.

28:1-5 Hitherto the heads of families were the priests, and offered sacrifices; but now this office was confined to the family of Aaron only; and so continued till the gospel dispensation. The holy garments not only distinguished the priests from the people, but were emblems of that holy conduct which should ever be the glory and beauty, the mark of the ministers of religion, without which their persons and ministrations will be had in contempt. They also typified the glory of the Divine majesty, and the beauty of complete holiness, which rendered Jesus Christ the great High Priest. But our adorning under the gospel, is not to be of gold and costly array, but the garments of salvation, the robe of righteousness.