26:14 And thou shalt make a {g} covering for the tent [of] rams' skins dyed red, and a covering above [of] {h} badgers' skins.

(g) To be put on the covering that was made of goats hair.

(h) This was the third covering of the tabernacle.

26:14 Badger skins - So we translate it, but it should rather seem to have been some strong sort of leather, (but very fine) for we read of the best sort of shoes made of it. Eze 16:10.

26:7-14 The curtains of meaner materials, being made both longer and broader, covered the others, and were defended by coverings of skins. The whole represents the person and doctrine of Christ, and the church of true Christians, and all heavenly things, which outwardly are mean, but inwardly, and in the sight of God, are glorious and precious.
