4:13 {8} Till we all come in the {q} unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the {r} stature of the fulness of Christ:

(8) The use of this ministry is perpetual so long as we are in this world, that is, until that time that having put off the flesh, and thoroughly and perfectly agreeing between ourselves, we will be joined with Christ our head. And this thing is done by the knowledge of the Son of God increasing in us, and he himself by little and little growing up in us until we come to be a perfect man, which will be in the world to come, when God will be all in all.

(q) In that most near joining which is knit and fastened together by faith.

(r) Christ is said to grow up to full age, not in himself, but in us.

4:13 Till we all come. These offices are given in order that all may come to a goal that is named just below. They must be continued in some form until that goal is reached.

In the unity of the faith. This is one of the great objects to be attained through these offices. Paul, as an apostle and a prophet, exhorts to the same end in Eph 4:2. As an apostle and prophets, he so exhorts still. Every evangelist and pastor who is under God's spirit should labor to the same end. Not only unity of the faith, but unity of the

knowledge of the Son of God is aimed at. Full unity of the faith will be found when all alike know Christ.

Unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Unto a fullgrown man (Revised Version). The second end to be attained is a noble manhood, fully developed, after the modes of life furnished in Christ Jesus. This must be the aim of all teaching, and of all living. If we cannot attain fully to it in the flesh, we certainly can aim at it and grow more and more into Christ's likeness.

4:13 Till we all - And every one of us. Come to the unity of the faith, and knowledge of the Son of God - To both an exact agreement in the Christian doctrine, and an experimental knowledge of Christ as the Son of God. To a perfect man - To a state of spiritual manhood both in understanding and strength. To the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ - To that maturity of age and spiritual stature wherein we shall be filled with Christ, so that he will be all in all.

4:7-16 Unto every believer is given some gift of grace, for their mutual help. All is given as seems best to Christ to bestow upon every one. He received for them, that he might give to them, a large measure of gifts and graces; particularly the gift of the Holy Ghost. Not a mere head knowledge, or bare acknowledging Christ to be the Son of God, but such as brings trust and obedience. There is a fulness in Christ, and a measure of that fulness given in the counsel of God to every believer; but we never come to the perfect measure till we come to heaven. God's children are growing, as long as they are in this world; and the Christian's growth tends to the glory of Christ. The more a man finds himself drawn out to improve in his station, and according to his measure, all that he has received, to the spiritual good of others, he may the more certainly believe that he has the grace of sincere love and charity rooted in his heart.