3:20 {4} Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

(4) He breaks forth into a thanksgiving, by which the Ephesians also may be strengthened and encouraged to hope for anything from God.

3:20 Now to him. He has offered a prayer, and closes it with a doxology.

According to the power that worketh in us. They knew something of the mighty working of the Spirit, and therefore of the Divine power. But God was able to do for them beyond all that they could conceive.

3:20 Now to him - This doxology is admirably adapted to strengthen our faith, that we may not stagger at the great things the apostle has been praying for, as if they were too much for God to give, or for us to expect from him. That is able - Here is a most beautiful gradation. When he has given us exceeding, yea, abundant blessings, still we may ask for more. And he is able to do it. But we may think of more than we have asked. He is able to do this also. Yea, and above all this. Above all we ask - Above all we can think. Nay, exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can either ask or think.

3:20,21 It is proper always to end prayers with praises. Let us expect more, and ask for more, encouraged by what Christ has already done for our souls, being assured that the conversion of sinners, and the comfort of believers, will be to his glory, for ever and ever.