6:2 {2} Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples [unto them], and said, It is not {c} reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve {d} tables.

(2) The office of preaching the word, and dispensing the goods of the Church, are different from one another, and not rashly to be joined together, as the apostles institute here. And the deacons must seek the consent of the Church more than the apostles.

(c) It is such a matter that we may in no way accept it.

(d) Banquets: though by the name of tables other offices are also meant, which are added to it, such as those which pertain to the care of the poor.

6:2 The twelve. This language shows beyond doubt that Matthias was recognized as an apostle.

Called the multitude. The masses of the church.

And said. That it was not proper that the apostles should give their time to these matters instead of preaching.

And serve tables. To look after the distribution of food.

6:2 It is not right that we should leave the word of God and serve tables - In the first Church, the primary business of apostles, evangelists, and bishops, was to preach the word of God; the secondary, to take a kind of paternal care (the Church being then like a family,) for the food, especially of the poor, the strangers, and the widows. Afterward, the deacons of both sexes were constituted for this latter business. And whatever time they had to spare from this, they employed in works of spiritual mercy. But their proper office was, to take care of the poor. And when some of them afterward preached the Gospel, they did this not by virtue of their deaconship, but of another commission, that of evangelists, which they probably received, not before, but after they were appointed deacons. And it is not unlikely that others were chosen deacons, or stewards, in their room, when any of these commenced evangelists.

6:1-7 Hitherto the disciples had been of one accord; this often had been noticed to their honour; but now they were multiplied, they began to murmur. The word of God was enough to take up all the thoughts, cares, and time of the apostles. The persons chosen to serve tables must be duly qualified. They must be filled with gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost, necessary to rightly managing this trust; men of truth, and hating covetousness. All who are employed in the service of the church, ought to be commended to the Divine grace by the prayers of the church. They blessed them in the name of the Lord. The word and grace of God are greatly magnified, when those are wrought upon by it, who were least likely.