22:9 They heard not the voice. Some have insisted that there is a contradiction between this statement and that of Ac 9:7, but the word hear is often used in the sense of understand. Once the writer heard Abraham Lincoln address a great audience. Some, at a distance, cried out, We cannot hear. They meant understand, for they could hear the sound of his voice.

22:9 They did not hear the voice - Distinctly; but only a confused noise.

22:1-11 The apostle addressed the enraged multitude, in the customary style of respect and good-will. Paul relates the history of his early life very particularly; he notices that his conversion was wholly the act of God. Condemned sinners are struck blind by the power of darkness, and it is a lasting blindness, like that of the unbelieving Jews. Convinced sinners are struck blind as Paul was, not by darkness, but by light. They are for a time brought to be at a loss within themselves, but it is in order to their being enlightened. A simple relation of the Lord's dealings with us, in bringing us, from opposing, to profess and promote his gospel, when delivered in a right spirit and manner, will sometimes make more impression that laboured speeches, even though it amounts not to the full proof of the truth, such as was shown in the change wrought in the apostle.