20:4 Sopater of Berea. The Revised Version, based on the oldest MSS, calls him the son of Pyrrhus. He is otherwise unknown. Berea was in Macedonia. See PNT Ac 17:10.

Of the Thessalonians. On Thessalonica, see PNT Ac 17:1.

Aristarchus. See Ac 19:29.

Secundus. Not named elsewhere.

Gaius of Derbe. So named to distinguish him from another Gaius (Ac 19:29). Derbe was in Lycaonia. See PNT Ac 14:6.

Timothy. This celebrated disciple was of Lystra near Derbe. See notes on Ac 16:1-4.

Of Asia. See PNT Ac 2:9.

Tychicus. Supposed to be an Ephesian. See Col 4:7-8 Eph 6:21 2Ti 4:12.

Trophimus. He attended Paul all the way to Jerusalem. See Ac 21:29 2Ti 4:20.

20:4 To Asia - There some of them left him. But Trophimus went with him to Jerusalem, Acts 21:29. Aristarchus, even to Rome, Acts 27:2.

20:1-6 Tumults or opposition may constrain a Christian to remove from his station or alter his purpose, but his work and his pleasure will be the same, wherever he goes. Paul thought it worth while to bestow five days in going to Troas, though it was but for seven days' stay there; but he knew, and so should we, how to redeem even journeying time, and to make it turn to some good account.