18:11 And he {e} continued [there] a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them.

(e) Literally, sat, whereupon they in former time took the name of their bishop's seat: but Paul sat, that is, continued teaching the word of God: and this type of seat does not belong to those who never took their seats with a mind to teach in them.

18:11 He continued [there] a year and six months. While here, besides his other labors, he wrote the two epistles to the Thessalonians, the first of that grand series of letters which form so precious a feature of the New Testament.

18:11 He continued there a year and six months - A long time! But how few souls are now gained in a longer time than this? Who is in the fault? Generally both teachers and hearers.

18:7-11 The Lord knows those that are his, yea, and those that shall be his; for it is by his work upon them that they become his. Let us not despair concerning any place, when even in wicked Corinth Christ had much people. He will gather in his chosen flock from the places where they are scattered Thus encouraged, the apostle continued at Corinth, and a numerous and flourishing church grew up.