1:14 Knowing that shortly I must put off [this] my tabernacle. Must die very soon.

Even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. Christ had predicted his death as a martyr (Joh 21:18,19). It is to this prediction that Peter refers.

1:14 Even as the Lord Jesus showed me - In the manner which had foretold, John 21:18, and c. It is not improbable, he had also showed him that the time was now drawing nigh.

1:12-15 We must be established in the belief of the truth, that we may not be shaken by every wind of doctrine; and especially in the truth necessary for us to know in our day, what belongs to our peace, and what is opposed in our time. The body is but a tabernacle, or tent, of the soul. It is a mean and movable dwelling. The nearness of death makes the apostle diligent in the business of life. Nothing can so give composure in the prospect, or in the hour, of death, as to know that we have faithfully and simply followed the Lord Jesus, and sought his glory. Those who fear the Lord, talk of his loving-kindness. This is the way to spread the knowledge of the Lord; and by the written word, they are enabled to do this.