14:21 And all the people of Judah took {i} Azariah, which [was] sixteen years old, and made him king instead of his father Amaziah.

(i) Who is also called Uzziah, 2Ch 26:1.

14:21 Azariah - This Azariah is called Uzziah, chap.15:30, both names signifying the same thing for substance; that, God's help; and this, God's strength. But this was not done till twelve years after his father's death: so long the government was in the hands of protectors.

14:15-22 Amaziah survived his conqueror fifteen years. He was slain by his own subjects. Azariah, or Uzziah, seems to have been very young when his father was slain. Though the years of his reign are reckoned from that event, he was not fully made king till eleven years afterwards.