21:4 Now when Jehoram was risen up to the kingdom of his father, he strengthened himself, and {b} slew all his brethren with the sword, and [divers] also of the princes of {c} Israel.

(b) Because the wicked always live in fear, and also are ambitious, they become cruel and spare not to murder them, whom by nature they ought most to cherish and defend.

(c) Meaning, of Judah and Benjamin.

21:4 Strengthened himself - He hardened his heart, as that word sometimes signifies. Princes - The chief of those Israelites, who out of love to God and the true religion, had forsaken their estates in the kingdom of Israel, and were now incorporated with the kingdom of Judah: because he thought these would be most zealous for that religion which he was resolved to oppose.

21:1-11 Jehoram hated his brethren, and slew them, for the same reason that Cain hated Abel, and slew him, because their piety condemned his impiety. In the mystery of Providence such men sometimes prosper for a time; but the Lord has righteous purposes in permitting such events, part of which may now be made out, and the rest will be seen hereafter.