5:1 But {1} of the times and the {a} seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

(1) The day that God has appointed for this judgment we do not know. But this is sure, that it will come upon men when they are not expecting it.

(a) See Ac 1:7.

5:1 Closing Admonitions


The Time of the Lord's Coming Unknown. Will Be Sudden. Hence, Let Us Not Be Asleep. Let Us Have Our Armor on. Mutual Duties of Shepherds and Flock. Christian Life. Benediction.

But of the times and the seasons. Especially the time of the Lord's coming, which is the subject in the conclusion of chapter 4.

Ye have no need that I write unto you. They had been instructed on this subject.

5:1 But of the precise times when this shall be.

5:1-5 It is needless or useless to ask about the particular time of Christ's coming. Christ did not reveal this to the apostles. There are times and seasons for us to work in, and these are our duty and interest to know and observe; but as to the time when we must give up our account, we know it not, nor is it needful that we should. The coming of Christ will be a great surprise to men. Our Lord himself said so. As the hour of death is the same to each person that the judgment will be to mankind in general, so the same remarks answer for both. Christ's coming will be terrible to the ungodly. Their destruction will overtake them while they dream of happiness, and please themselves with vain amusements. There will be no means to escape the terror or the punishment of that day. This day will be a happy day to the righteous. They are not in darkness; they are the children of the light. It is the happy condition of all true Christians. But how many are speaking peace and safety to themselves, over whose heads utter destruction is hovering! Let us endeavour to awaken ourselves and each other, and guard against our spiritual enemies.