1:7 So that ye were ensamples to all that believe. Their earnestness was such that they were worthy of imitation by all who had become Christian.

In Macedonia. The great Roman province, of which Thessalonica was the capital, lying north of the Aegean Sea.

And Achaia. The Roman province of which Corinth was the capital. It embraced most of Greece.

1:6-10 When careless, ignorant, and immoral persons are turned from their carnal pursuits and connexions, to believe in and obey the Lord Jesus, to live soberly, righteously, and godly, the matter speaks for itself. The believers under the Old Testament waited for the coming of the Messiah, and believers now wait for his second coming. He is yet to come. And God had raised him from the dead, which is a full assurance unto all men that he will come to judgment. He came to purchase salvation, and will, when he comes again, bring salvation with him, full and final deliverance from that wrath which is yet to come. Let all, without delay, flee from the wrath to come, and seek refuge in Christ and his salvation.