13:3 And Jonathan smote the garrison of the Philistines that [was] in {c} Geba, and the Philistines heard [of it]. And Saul blew the {d} trumpet throughout all the land, saying, Let the Hebrews hear.

(c) Of Kirjath-jearim, where the ark was, 1Sa 10:5.

(d) That everyone should prepare themselves to fight.

13:3 Blew - That is, he sent messengers to tell them all what Jonathan had done, and how the Philistines were enraged at it, and therefore what necessity there was of gathering themselves together for their own defence.

13:1-7 Saul reigned one year, and nothing particular happened; but in his second year the events recorded in this chapter took place. For above a year he gave the Philistine time to prepare for war, and to weaken and to disarm the Israelites. When men are lifted up in self-sufficiency, they are often led into folly. The chief advantages of the enemies of the church are derived from the misconduct of its professed friends. When Saul at length sounded an alarm, the people, dissatisfied with his management, or terrified by the power of the enemy, did not come to him, or speedily deserted him.