2:14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him {18} for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.

(18) The second argument taken from the end of this order, which is not only most profitable, but also very necessary: seeing that by that this means virtue is rewarded, and vice punished, in which the peacefulness and happiness if this life consists.

2:14 Or unto the governors. The magistrates placed over the provinces of the Roman empire. Rulers are necessary,

for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. Both to punish the evil and to reward the good. Compare Ro 13:1-6.

2:14 Or to subordinate governors, or magistrates.

2:13-17 A Christian conversation must be honest; which it cannot be, if there is not a just and careful discharge of all relative duties: the apostle here treats of these distinctly. Regard to those duties is the will of God, consequently, the Christian's duty, and the way to silence the base slanders of ignorant and foolish men. Christians must endeavour, in all relations, to behave aright, that they do not make their liberty a cloak or covering for any wickedness, or for the neglect of duty; but they must remember that they are servants of God.