3:18 {18} My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

(18) Christian charity stands not in word but in deed, and proceeds from a sincere affection.

3:18 Let us not love in word. Our love must not show itself in empty professions.

3:18 Not in word - Only. But in deed - In action: not in tongue by empty professions, but in truth.

3:16-21 Here is the condescension, the miracle, the mystery of Divine love, that God would redeem the church with his own blood. Surely we should love those whom God has loved, and so loved. The Holy Spirit, grieved at selfishness, will leave the selfish heart without comfort, and full of darkness and terror. By what can it be known that a man has a true sense of the love of Christ for perishing sinners, or that the love of God has been planted in his heart by the Holy Spirit, if the love of the world and its good overcomes the feelings of compassion to a perishing brother? Every instance of this selfishness must weaken the evidences of a man's conversion; when habitual and allowed, it must decide against him. If conscience condemn us in known sin, or the neglect of known duty, God does so too. Let conscience therefore be well-informed, be heard, and diligently attended to.