7:39 {18} The wife is bound by the {m} law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the {n} Lord.

(18) That which he spoke of a widower, he speaks now of a widow, that is, that she may marry again, but that she does it in the fear of God. And yet he does not hide the fact that if she still remains a widow, she will be free of many cares.

(m) By the law of marriage.

(n) Religiously, and in the fear of God.

7:39 The wife is bound by the law, etc. One point remains to be discussed, viz. The remarriage of widows. I suppose that the letter of inquiry asked about this.

She is at liberty to be married to whom she will. In case of her husband's death, she is free from the marriage bond, and can marry whom she will, with one limitation--she must marry

only in the Lord; that is, a Christian. An alien marriage is prohibited. Indeed, so far was an ancient Christian from marrying an unbeliever that the question actually arose whether, when the sinner was converted, he could still live with an unconverted partner. See 1Co 7:12-14.

7:39 Only in the Lord - That is, only if Christians marry Christians: a standing direction, and one of the utmost importance.

7:36-40 The apostle is thought to give advice here about the disposal of children in marriage. In this view, the general meaning is plain. Children should seek and follow the directions of their parents as to marriage. And parents should consult their children's wishes; and not reckon they have power to do with them, and dictate just as they please, without reason. The whole is closed with advice to widows. Second marriages are not unlawful, so that it is kept in mind, to marry in the Lord. In our choice of relations, and change of conditions, we should always be guided by the fear of God, and the laws of God, and act in dependence on the providence of God. Change of condition ought only to be made after careful consideration, and on probable grounds, that it will be to advantage in our spiritual concerns.