16:12 As touching [our] brother Apollos. Apollos was then at Ephesus when Paul wrote.

I greatly desired him to come to you with the brethren. Possibly with Timothy and Erastus. See PNT 1Co 16:10. For some reason Apollos was averse to visiting Corinth at that time.

16:12 I besought him much - To come to you. With the brethren - Who were then going to Corinth. Yet he was by no means willing to come now - Perhaps lest his coming should increase the divisions among them.

16:10-12 Timothy came to do the work of the Lord. Therefore to vex his spirit, would be to grieve the Holy Spirit; to despise him, would be to despise Him that sent him. Those who work the work of the Lord, should be treated with tenderness and respect. Faithful ministers will not be jealous of each other. It becomes the ministers of the gospel to show concern for each other's reputation and usefulness.