2:9 {4} [Exhort] servants to be obedient unto their own masters, [and] to please [them] well in all {c} [things]; not answering again;

(4) The seventh admonition, concerning the duty of servants to their masters.

(c) Which may be done without offence to God.

Titus 2:9 Servants. Slaves. See notes on Eph 6:5-8. Many of the first converts were servants.

2:9 Please them in all things - Wherein it can be done without sin. Not answering again - Though blamed unjustly. This honest servants are most apt to do. Not stealing - Not taking or giving any thing without their master's leave: this fair - spoken servants are apt to do.

2:9,10 Servants must know and do their duty to their earthly masters, with a reference to their heavenly one. In serving an earthly master according to Christ's will, He is served; such shall be rewarded by him. Not giving disrespectful or provoking language; but to take a check or reproof with silence, not making confident or bold replies. When conscious of a fault, to excuse or justify it, doubles it. Never putting to their own use that which is their master's, nor wasting the goods they are trusted with. Showing all good fidelity to improve a master's goods, and promote his thriving. If ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own? Lu 16:12. True religion is an honour to the professors of it; and they should adorn it in all things.