1:8 {4} First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is {p} spoken of throughout the {q} whole world.

(4) He obtains their favourable patience, in that he points out what it is that they can be praised for, and his true apostolic good will toward them, confirmed by taking God himself as witness.

(p) Because your faith is such that it is spoken well of in all churches.

(q) In all churches.

1:8 First, I thank my God. The first thing he wishes to speak of is thankfulness for a fact he is about to state, viz. their

faith is spoken of throughout the world. The church at Rome was as a city set on a hill (Mt 5:14). From every country where the gospel was planted, people were constantly going and returning to Rome, and hence the fact of there being a church in the great capital would be known everywhere.

1:8 I thank - In the very entrance of this one epistle are the traces of all spiritual affections; but of thankfulness above all, with the expression of which almost all St. Paul's epistles begin. He here particularly thanks God, that what otherwise himself should have done, was done at Rome already. My God - This very word expresses faith, hope, love, and consequently all true religion. Through Jesus Christ - The gifts of God all pass through Christ to us; and all our petitions and thanksgivings pass through Christ to God. That your faith is spoken of - In this kind of congratulations St. Paul describes either the whole of Christianity, as Col 1:3, and c.; or some part of it, as 1Cor 1:5. Accordingly here he mentions the faith of the Romans, suitably to his design, Rom 1:12,17. Through the whole world - This joyful news spreading everywhere, that there were Christians also in the imperial city. And the goodness and wisdom of God established faith in the chief cities; in Jerusalem and Rome particularly; that from thence it might be diffused to all nations.

1:8-15 We must show love for our friends, not only by praying for them, but by praising God for them. As in our purposes, so in our desires, we must remember to say, If the Lord will, Jas 4:15. Our journeys are made prosperous or otherwise, according to the will of God. We should readily impart to others what God has trusted to us, rejoicing to make others joyful, especially taking pleasure in communing with those who believe the same things with us. If redeemed by the blood, and converted by the grace of the Lord Jesus, we are altogether his; and for his sake we are debtors to all men, to do all the good we can. Such services are our duty.