15:1 And {1} I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvellous, seven {2} angels having the seven last plagues; for in them is filled up the wrath of God.

(1) This is that other passage of the acts of Christ, as I noted before see Geneva Re 14:14. Now therefore is shown a singular work of the judgment of God belonging to the overthrow of Antichrist and his forces, of which divine work the preparation is described in this chapter: and the execution in the next. The preparation is first set down generally and in type in this verse: and is after particularly set forth in the rest of the chapter.

(2) Of which Re 8:9 in sending forth the plagues of the world: for even these plagues do for the most part agree with those.

15:1 Another Great and Marvellous Sign in Heaven


Seven Angels with the Seven Last Plagues. The Sea of Glass. The Song of Moses, and the Song of the Lamb. The Temple Opened. The Temple Filled with the Glory of God.

I saw another sign in heaven. Another scene displayed, different from those just past, and startling in its character.

Seven angels having the seven last plagues. Called the last plagues because they are the final plagues which are sent upon the beast and its image; they bring the series to a close. They fill up the wrath of God. The great feature of this vision is the seven angels with the seven last plagues, but they are not seen at first when the vision opens; not until Re 15:7 is reached. The vision opens with the scene of Re 15:2.

15:1 And I saw seven holy angels having the seven last plagues - Before they had the phials, which were as instruments whereby those plagues were to be conveyed. They are termed the last, because by them the wrath of God is fulfilled - Hitherto. God had borne his enemies with much longsuffering; but now his wrath goes forth to the uttermost, pouring plagues on the earth from one end to the other, and round its whole circumference. But, even after these plagues, the holy wrath of God against his other enemies does not cease, Rev 20:15.

15:1-4 Seven angels appeared in heaven; prepared to finish the destruction of antichrist. As the measure of Babylon's sins was filled up, it finds the full measure of Divine wrath. While believers stand in this world, in times of trouble, as upon a sea of glass mingled with fire, they may look forward to their final deliverance, while new mercies call forth new hymns of praise. The more we know of God's wonderful works, the more we shall praise his greatness as the Lord God Almighty, the Creator and Ruler of all worlds; but his title of Emmanuel, the King of saints, will make him dear to us. Who that considers the power of God's wrath, the value of his favour, or the glory of his holiness, would refuse to fear and honour him alone? His praise is above heaven and earth.