14:14 {9} And I looked, and behold a {10} white cloud, and upon the cloud [one] sat like unto the Son of man, {11} having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a {12} sharp sickle.

(9) The second part of this chapter as I said see Geneva Re 14:1, of the actions of Christ in overthrowing Antichrist and his church by the Spirit of his divine mouth. Seeing that having been called back by word both publicly and privately to his duty and admonished of his certain ruin, he does not cease to maintain and protect his own adherents, that they may serve him: and to afflict the godly with most barbarous persecutions. Of those things which Christ does, there are two forms: one common or general in the rest of this chapter another specific against that savage and rebellious beast and his worshippers in chapter fifteen and sixteen. The common form is the calamity of wars, spread abroad through the whole earth, and filling all things with blood and without respect of any person. This is figured or shadowed in two types, of the harvest and vintage. Have you seen how since the time that the light of the gospel began to shine out, and since prophecy or preaching by the grace of God was raised up again, horrible wars have been kindled in the world? how much human flesh has been thrown to the earth by this divine reaping? how much blood (alas for woe) has overflown for these 100 years almost? all history cries out, and our age (if ever before) is now in horror by reason of the rage of the sickle which Antichrist calls for. In this place is the first type, that is of the harvest.

(10) Declaring his fierceness by his colour, like that which is in the white or milk circle of heaven

(11) As one that shall reign from God, and occupy the place of Christ in this miserable execution.

(12) That is, a most fit and convenient instrument of execution, destroying all by showing and thrusting through: for who may stand against God?

14:14 Upon the cloud [one] sat like the Son of Man. Jesus has himself said that the Son of man shall be seen coming upon the clouds of heaven (Mt 24:30). John here sees the Son of Man sitting upon a white cloud. The Savior said that his coming shall be with great power and glory (Mt 24:30). John now sees upon the head of the Son of man a golden crown. The Savior said that he will send his angels to gather the elect (Mt 24:31). John hears an angel bid him who sat upon the cloud, to reap the earth, for its harvest was ripe.

14:14 In the following verse s, under the emblem of an harvest and a vintage, are signified two general visitations; first, many good men are taken from the earth by the harvest; then many sinners during the vintage. The latter is altogether a penal visitation; the former seems to be altogether gracious. Here is no reference in either to the day of judgment, but to a season which cannot be far off. And I saw a white cloud - An emblem of mercy. And on the cloud sat one like a son of man - An angel in an human shape, sent by Christ, the Lord both of the vintage and of the harvest. Having a golden crown on his head - In token of his high dignity. And a sharp sickle in his hand - The sharper the welcomer to the righteous.

14:14-20 Warnings and judgments not having produced reformation, the sins of the nations are filled up, and they become ripe for judgments, represented by a harvest, an emblem which is used to signify the gathering of the righteous, when ripe for heaven, by the mercy of God. The harvest time is when the corn is ripe; when the believers are ripe for heaven, then the wheat of the earth shall be gathered into Christ's garner. And by a vintage. The enemies of Christ and his church are not destroyed, till by their sin they are ripe for ruin, and then he will spare them no longer. The wine-press is the wrath of God, some terrible calamity, probably the sword, shedding the blood of the wicked. The patience of God towards sinners, is the greatest miracle in the world; but, though lasting, it will not be everlasting; and ripeness in sin is a sure proof of judgment at hand.