13:1 {23} And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and {1} saw a beast rise up {2} out of the sea, having seven heads and {3} ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, {4} and upon his heads {5} the name of blasphemy.

(23) That is, as a mighty tempest he poured out on the whole world (whose prince he is) to raise the floods and provoke the nations, that they might with their furious bellows toss up and down, driven here and there, and finally destroy the Church of Christ with its holy members. But the providence of God resisted his attempt, that he might save the Church of the Gentiles, yet tender and green. The rest of this story of the dragon is excellently presented by the apostle John later in Re 20:1-15. For here the dragon endeavouring to do wickedness, was by God cast into prison.

(1) The apostle having declared the forming of the Christian Church, and the state of the Church from which ours takes her beginning, now goes to the story of the progress of it, as is shown in the beginning of the former chapter. This history of the progress of the Church and the battles of it, is recorded in this chapter, but distinctly in two parts, one is of the civil Roman Empire, Re 13:1-10. Another of the ecclesiastic or prophetic body, there to the end of the chapter. In the first part these things are shown: First the state of the Empire, in Re 13:1-4 then the acts of it in Re 13:5-7 after the effect: which is exceedingly great glory Re 13:8. Last of all is commended the use: and the instruction of the godly against the evils that shall come from the same in Re 13:9,10. The history of the state, contains a most ample description of the beast, first entire in Re 13:1,2 and then restored after harm, Re 13:3,4.

(2) On the sand where the devil stood practising new tempests against the Church, in the verse next before going: at which time the Empire of Rome was endangered by domestic dissensions and was mightily tossed, having ever and again new heads, and new emperors. See Re 17:8

(3) Having the same instruments of power, providence, and most expert government which the dragon is said to have had, in Re 12:3.

(4) We read in Re 12:3 that the dragon had seven crowns set upon seven heads because the thief claims to be proper lord and prince of the world, but this beast is said to have ten crowns, set on several, not heads but horns: because the beast is obligated to the dragon for all; Re 13:2 and does not otherwise reign, then by law of subjection given by him, namely that he employ his horns against the Church of God. The speech is taken from the ancient custom and form of dealing in such ease: by which they that were absolute kings did wear the diadem on their heads: but their vassals and such as reigned by grace from them, wore the same on their hoods: for so they might commodiously lay down their diadems when they came into the presence of their sovereigns, as also the elders are said, when they adored God which sat upon the throne, to have cast down their crowns before him in Re 4:10

(5) Contrary to that which God of old commanded should be written in the head piece of the high Priest, that is, Sanctitas Jehova, Holiness unto the Lord. The name of blasphemy imposed by the dragon, is that which Paul says in 2Th 2:4 He sits as God and boasts himself to be God For this name of blasphemy both the Roman Emperors did then challenge to themselves, as Suetonius and Dion do report of Caigula and Domitian: and after them the popes of Rome professed the same of themselves, when they challenged to themselves sovereignty in holy things of which kind of sayings the sixth book of the Decretals, the Clementines, and the Extravagants, are very full. For these men were not content with that which Anglicus wrote in his Poetria, (the beginning of which is Papa stupor mundi The pope is the wonder of the world) Nec Deus es, nec homo, sed neuter es inter utrungue. Thou art not God, nor art thou man, but neuter mixed of both: as the gloss witnesses on the sixth book: But they were bold to take to themselves the very name of God, and to accept it given of other: according as almost a hundred and twenty years since there was made for Sixtus the fourth, when he should first enter into Rome in his papal dignity, a Pageant of triumph, and cunningly fixed upon the gate of the city he should enter at, having written upon it this blasphemous verse: Oraclo vocis mundi moderaris habenas, Et merito in terrs crederis esse Deus. That is, By oracle of thine own voice, the world thou governest all, And worthily a God on earth men think and do thee call. These and six hundred the like who can impute to that modesty by which good men of old would have themselves called the servants of the servants of God? Verily either this is a name of blasphemy, or there is none at all.

13:1 The Seven-Headed Beast SUMMARY OF REVELATION 13:

The Beast That Rises Out of the Sea. Power Given to the Beast by the Dragon. The Head Wounded to Death and Healed. Power Given to Continue Forty-two Months. The Lamb-like Beast That Had the Voice of a Dragon. His Service to the Seven-Headed Beast. The Number of the Beast. I... saw a beast. The twelfth chapter has shown the relentless hostility of the dragon, the old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan (Re 12:9 20:2), to the woman, a hostility that has manifested itself in changing forms. Re 12:17 declares his purpose to make war on the seed of the woman. This chapter is intended to show the organized forms in which he has carried on this warfare. The apostle sees a beast, a wild savage beast, arising out of the sea. The restless ocean is a symbol of commotion. Having seven heads and ten horns. The beast bears the old dragon mark of seven heads and ten horns (Re 12:3). It must therefore be some manifestation of the same power. Indeed, it is the dragon who has called the beast forth from the sea. Upon his horns ten crowns. These crowns are diadems (Revised Version). They are the sign of royal authority. They represent ten kings or kingdoms (Re 17:12). In Re 12:3, the seven heads had the diadems; now the horns wear them. There is a reason for this that we shall see in the sequel. And upon his heads the name of blasphemy. If these heads should arrogantly claim divine honors, not belonging to them, these would be names of blasphemy. These heads are said to be seven kings. Sometimes kings have claimed to be gods, as Alexander, who asserted that he was the son of Jupiter Ammon, and the Roman Emperors, who all claimed divine honors and required men to worship their statues and to offer them sacrifices.

13:1 And I stood on the sand of the sea - This also was in the vision. And I saw - Soon after the woman flew away. A wild beast coming up - He comes up twice; first from the sea, then from the abyss. He comes from the sea before the seven phials; the great whore comes after them. O reader, this is a subject wherein we also are deeply concerned, and which must he treated, not as a point of curiosity, but as a solemn warning from God! The danger is near. Be armed both against force and fraud, even with the whole armour of God. Out of the sea - That is, Europe. So the three woes (the first being in Persia, the second about the Euphrates) move in a line from east to west. This beast is the Romish Papacy, as it came to a point six hundred years since, stands now, and will for some time longer. To this, and no other power on earth, agrees the whole text, and every part of it in every point; as we may see, with the utmost evidence, from the propositions following: It is one and the same beast, having seven heads, and ten horns, which is described in this and in the seventeenth chapter . Of consequence, his heads are the same, and his horns also. This beast is a spiritually secular power, opposite to the kingdom of Christ. A power not merely spiritual or ecclesiastical, nor merely secular or political but a mixture of both. He is a secular prince; for a crown, yea, and a kingdom are ascribed to him. And yet he is not merely secular; for he is also a false prophet. The beast has a strict connexion with the city of Rome. This clearly appears from the seventeenth chapter . The beast is now existing. He is not past. for Rome is now existing; and it is not till after the destruction of Rome that the beast is thrown into the lake. He is not altogether to come: for the second woe is long since past, after which the third came quickly; and presently after it began, the beast rose out of the sea. Therefore, whatever he is, he is now existing. The beast is the Romish Papacy. This manifestly follows from the third and fourth propositions; the beast has a strict connexion with the city of Rome; and the beast is now existing: therefore, either there is some other power more strictly connected with that city, or the Pope is the beast. The Papacy, or papal kingdom, began long ago. The most remarkable particulars relating to this are here subjoined; taken so high as abundantly to show the rise of the beast, and brought down as low as our own time, in order to throw a light on the following part of the prophecy: A.D. 1033. Benedict the Ninth, a child of eleven years old, is bishop of Rome, and occasions grievous disorders for above twenty years. A.D. 1048 Damasus II. introduces the use of the triple crown. A.D. 1058 The church of Milan is, after long opposition, subjected to the Roman. A.D. 1073 Hildebrand, or Gregory VII., comes to the throne. A.D. 1076 He deposes and excommunicates the emperor. A.D. 1077 He uses him shamefully and absolves him. A.D. 1080 He excommunicates him again, and sends a crown to Rodulph, his competitor. A.D. 1083 Rome is taken. Gregory flees. Clement is made Pope, and crowns the emperor. A.D. 1085 Gregory VII. dies at Salerno. A.D. 1095 Urban II. holds the first Popish council, at Clermont and gives rise to the crusades. A.D. 1111 Paschal II. quarrels furiously with the emperor. A.D. 1123 The first western general council in the Lateran. The marriage of priests is forbidden. A.D. 1132 Innocent II declares the emperor to be the Pope's liege - man, or vassal. A.D. 1143 The Romans set up a governor of their own, independent on Innocent II. He excommunicates them, and dies. Celestine II. is, by an important innovation, chosen to the Popedom without the suffrage of the people; the right of choosing the Pope is taken from the people, and afterward from the clergy, and lodged in the Cardinals alone. A.D. 1152 Eugene II. assumes the power of canonizing saints. A.D. 1155 Adrian IV. puts Arnold of Brixia to death for speaking against the secular power of the Papacy. A.D. 1159 Victor IV. is elected and crowned. But Alexander III. conquers him and his successor. A.D. 1168 Alexander III. excommunicates the emperor, and brings him so low, that, A.D. 1177 he submits to the Pope's setting his foot on his neck. A.D. 1204 Innocent III. sets up the Inquisition against the Vaudois. A.D. 1208 He proclaims a crusade against them. A.D. 1300 Boniface VIII. introduces the year of jubilee. A.D. 1305 The Pope's residence is removed to Avignon. A.D. 1377 It is removed back to Rome. A.D. 1378 The fifty years' schism begins. A.D. 1449 Felix V., the last Antipope, submits to Nicholas V. A.D. 1517 The Reformation begins. A.D. 1527 Rome is taken and plundered. A.D. 1557 Charles V. resigns the empire; Ferdinand I. thinks the being crowned by the Pope superfluous. A.D. 1564 Pius IV. confirms the Council of Trent. A.D. 1682 Doctrines highly derogatory to the Papal authority are openly taught in France. A.D. 1713 The constitution Unigenitus. A.D. 1721 Pope Gregory VII. canonized anew.

13:1-10 The apostle, standing on the shore, saw a savage beast rise out of the sea; a tyrannical, idolatrous, persecuting power, springing up out of the troubles which took place. It was a frightful monster! It appears to mean that worldly, oppressing dominion, which for many ages, even from the times of the Babylonish captivity, had been hostile to the church. The first beast then began to oppress and persecute the righteous for righteousness' sake, but they suffered most under the fourth beast of Daniel, (the Roman empire,) which has afflicted the saints with many cruel persecutions. The source of its power was the dragon. It was set up by the devil, and supported by him. The wounding the head may be the abolishing pagan idolatry; and the healing of the wound, introducing popish idolatry, the same in substance, only in a new dress, but which as effectually answers the devil's design. The world admired its power, policy and success. They paid honour and subjection to the devil and his instruments. It exercised infernal power and policy, requiring men to render that honour to creatures which belongs to God alone. Yet the devil's power and success are limited. Christ has a chosen remnant, redeemed by his blood, recorded in his book, sealed by his Spirit; and though the devil and antichrist may overcome the body, and take away the natural life, they cannot conquer the soul, nor prevail with true believers to forsake their Saviour, and join his enemies. Perseverance in the faith of the gospel and true worship of God, in this great hour of trial and temptation, which would deceive all but the elect, is the character of those registered in the book of life. This powerful motive and encouragement to constancy, is the great design of the whole Revelation.