120:5 Woe is me, that I sojourn in {e} Mesech, [that] I dwell in the tents of {f} Kedar!

(e) These were people of Arabia, who came from Japheth, Ge 10:2.

(f) That is, of the Ishmaelites.

120:5 Mesech - Mesech and Kedar are two sorts of people often mentioned in scripture, and reckoned amongst the barbarous nations. But their names are here to be understood metaphorically. And so he explains himself in the next verse .

120:5-7 It is very grievous to a good man, to be cast into, and kept in the company of the wicked, from whom he hopes to be for ever separated. See here the character of a good man; he is for living peaceably with all men. And let us follow David as he prefigured Christ; in our distress let us cry unto the Lord, and he will hear us. Let us follow after peace and holiness, striving to overcome evil with good.