20:19 {4} And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify [him]: and the third day he shall rise again.

(4) The shame of the cross is the sure way to the glory of everlasting life.

20:19 Shall deliver him to the Gentiles. The Sanhedrin could condemn, but had no power to inflict capital punishment, because the government had passed into the hands of the Romans--a Gentile race.

To mock, and to scourge. For comment on these words, see Mt 27:26-31.

The third day. This expression, which occurs often, shows the sense in which the Jews understood the corresponding phrase, three days and three nights.

20:17-19 Christ is more particular here in foretelling his sufferings than before. And here, as before, he adds the mention of his resurrection and his glory, to that of his death and sufferings, to encourage his disciples, and comfort them. A believing view of our once crucified and now glorified Redeemer, is good to humble a proud, self-justifying disposition. When we consider the need of the humiliation and sufferings of the Son of God, in order to the salvation of perishing sinners, surely we must be aware of the freeness and richness of Divine grace in our salvation.