19:13 {4} Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put [his] hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.

(4) The elect infants and little children are contained in the free covenant of God. (Ed.)

19:13 Then were there brought unto him little children. Compare Mr 10:13-16 Lu 18:15-17. It was the Jewish custom to bring children to the synagogue on their first birthday for the Rabbi to bless them. So these persons came to one whom they regarded the greatest of all Rabbis.

The disciples rebuked them. They thought it an interruption.

19:13 That he should lay his hands on them - This was a rite which was very early used, in praying for a blessing on young persons. See Gen 48:14,20. The disciples rebuked them - That is, them that brought them: probably thinking such an employ beneath the dignity of their Master. Mark 10:13; Luke 18:15.

19:13-15 It is well when we come to Christ ourselves, and bring our children. Little children may be brought to Christ as needing, and being capable of receiving blessings from him, and having an interest in his intercession. We can but beg a blessing for them: Christ only can command the blessing. It is well for us, that Christ has more love and tenderness in him than the best of his disciples have. And let us learn of him not to discountenance any willing, well-meaning souls, in their seeking after Christ, though they are but weak. Those who are given to Christ, as part of his purchase, he will in no wise cast out. Therefore he takes it ill of all who forbid, and try to shut out those whom he has received. And all Christians should bring their children to the Saviour that he may bless them with spiritual blessings.