8:22 {4} And he cometh to Bethsaida; and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him.

(4) A true image of our regeneration, which Christ, separating us from the world, works and accomplishes in us gradually.

8:22 He cometh to Bethsaida. Near the mouth of the upper Jordan into the lake. It was upon the eastern bank of the river. The account of the miracle that follows is only given by Mark.

And they bring a blind man unto him. The people, not the disciples, brought him. He was brought (1) either because he could not find the way alone, or (2) because he had not faith that would induce him to go, and so was brought by the faith of his friends. This man was not born blind. He had evidently seen men and trees aforetime (Mr 8:24).

8:22-26 Here is a blind man brought to Christ by his friends. Therein appeared the faith of those that brought him. If those who are spiritually blind, do not pray for themselves, yet their friends and relations should pray for them, that Christ would be pleased to touch them. The cure was wrought gradually, which was not usual in our Lord's miracles. Christ showed in what method those commonly are healed by his grace, who by nature are spiritually blind. At first, their knowledge is confused; but, like the light of the morning, it shines more and more to the perfect day, and then they see all things clearly. Slighting Christ's favours is forfeiting them; and he will make those who do so know the worth of privileges by the want of them.