2:1 And {1} again he entered into Capernaum after [some] days; and it was noised that he was in the {a} house.

(1) By healing this man who was sick from paralysis Christ shows that men recover all their lost strength in him through faith alone.

(a) In the house where he used to remain: for he chose Capernaum to dwell in and left Nazareth.

2:1 The First Conflict with the Scribes and Pharisees


The Palsied Man Healed. The Charge of Blasphemy. The Calling of Matthew. The Feast at the House of Matthew. Not the Whole, but the Sick Need a Physician. Fasting. New Wine in Old Bottles. Plucking Corn on the Sabbath Day. The Son of Man Lord of the Sabbath.

Again he entered into Capernaum. After his first missionary circuit of Galilee.

2:1 And again - After having been in desert places for some time, he returned privately to the city. In the house - In Peter's house.

2:1-12 It was this man's misery that he needed to be so carried, and shows the suffering state of human life; it was kind of those who so carried him, and teaches the compassion that should be in men, toward their fellow-creatures in distress. True faith and strong faith may work in various ways; but it shall be accepted and approved by Jesus Christ. Sin is the cause of all our pains and sicknesses. The way to remove the effect, is to take away the cause. Pardon of sin strikes at the root of all diseases. Christ proved his power to forgive sin, by showing his power to cure the man sick of the palsy. And his curing diseases was a figure of his pardoning sin, for sin is the disease of the soul; when it is pardoned, it is healed. When we see what Christ does in healing souls, we must own that we never saw the like. Most men think themselves whole; they feel no need of a physician, therefore despise or neglect Christ and his gospel. But the convinced, humbled sinner, who despairs of all help, excepting from the Saviour, will show his faith by applying to him without delay.