16:1 The Resurrection


The Women at the Tomb. The Empty Sepulcher. The Message of the Angel. Mary Magdalene Sees the Risen Lord. The Message to the Disciples. Seen of Two Disciples at Emmaus. Appears to the Eleven. Rebukes Their Unbelief. Gospel for All the World. Received into Heaven.

When the sabbath was past. Compare Mt 28:1-17 Lu 24:1-11 Joh 20:1-10. As Mark's account is peculiar in some things, I add some notes. The Sabbath ended at sunset; the women then made their preparations to visit the tomb at dawn.

Might come and anoint him. This shows that they did not expect his resurrection. The Jews were wont, as a mark of honor, to surround the body in the tomb with fragrant spices. Nicodemus had brought spices (Joh 19:39,40). Perhaps the women did not know this; perhaps they wished, in addition, to render their own loving service.

16:1 Mt 28:1; Lu 24:1; John 20:1.

16:1-8 Nicodemus brought a large quantity of spices, but these good women did not think that enough. The respect others show to Christ, should not hinder us from showing our respect. And those who are carried by holy zeal, to seek Christ diligently, will find the difficulties in their way speedily vanish. When we put ourselves to trouble and expense, from love to Christ, we shall be accepted, though our endeavours are not successful. The sight of the angel might justly have encouraged them, but they were affrighted. Thus many times that which should be matter of comfort to us, through our own mistake, proves a terror to us. He was crucified, but he is glorified. He is risen, he is not here, not dead, but alive again; hereafter you will see him, but you may here see the place where he was laid. Thus seasonable comforts will be sent to those that lament after the Lord Jesus. Peter is particularly named, Tell Peter; it will be most welcome to him, for he is in sorrow for sin. A sight of Christ will be very welcome to a true penitent, and a true penitent is very welcome to a sight of Christ. The men ran with all the haste they could to the disciples; but disquieting fears often hinder us from doing that service to Christ and to the souls of men, which, if faith and the joy of faith were strong, we might do.