9:51 {11} And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly {m} set his face to go to Jerusalem,

(11) Christ goes willingly to death.

(m) Literally, he hardened his face: that is, he resolved with himself to die, and therefore ventured upon his journey and cast away all fear of death, and went on.

9:51 When the time was come. The time of his suffering was not far away. He was about to leave Galilee.

He stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem. Knowing what he should suffer there. Just when this was we are not told.

9:51 The days are fulfilled that he should be received up - That is, the time of his passion was now at hand. St. Luke looks through this, to the glory which was to follow. He steadfastly set his face - Without fear of his enemies, or shame of the cross, Heb 12:2.

9:51-56 The disciples did not consider that the conduct of the Samaritans was rather the effect of national prejudices and bigotry, than of enmity to the word and worship of God; and through they refused to receive Christ and his disciples, they did not ill use or injure them, so that the case was widely different from that of Ahaziah and Elijah. Nor were they aware that the gospel dispensation was to be marked by miracles of mercy. But above all, they were ignorant of the prevailing motives of their own hearts, which were pride and carnal ambition. Of this our Lord warned them. It is easy for us to say, Come, see our zeal for the Lord! and to think we are very faithful in his cause, when we are seeking our own objects, and even doing harm instead of good to others.