6:27 {5} But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,

(5) Christian charity, which is very different from worldly charity, not only does not revenge injuries, but is even extended to our most grievous enemies, and that for our Father's sake who is in heaven: in well doing it is not at all seeking its own.

6:27-36 Love your enemies. These precepts are found in Matthew's report in their connection. See PNT Mt 5:44.

6:27 But I say to you that hear - Hitherto our Lord had spoken only to particular sorts of persons: now he begins speaking to all in general. Mt 5:44.

6:27-36 These are hard lessons to flesh and blood. But if we are thoroughly grounded in the faith of Christ's love, this will make his commands easy to us. Every one that comes to him for washing in his blood, and knows the greatness of the mercy and the love there is in him, can say, in truth and sincerity, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Let us then aim to be merciful, even according to the mercy of our heavenly Father to us.