6:22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall {d} separate you [from their company], and shall reproach [you], and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

(d) Cast you out of their synagogues, as John expounds in Joh 16:2, which is the severest punishment the Church has, if the elders judge rightfully, and by the word of God.

6:20-23 Blessed. These beatitudes are given more fully in Mt 5:3-12, which see notes. Luke says kingdom of God; Matthew, of heaven, showing that the two are the same.

6:20-26 Here begins a discourse of Christ, most of which is also found in Mt 5; 7. But some think that this was preached at another time and place. All believers that take the precepts of the gospel to themselves, and live by them, may take the promises of the gospel to themselves, and live upon them. Woes are denounced against prosperous sinners as miserable people, though the world envies them. Those are blessed indeed whom Christ blesses, but those must be dreadfully miserable who fall under his woe and curse! What a vast advantage will the saint have over the sinner in the other world! and what a wide difference will there be in their rewards, how much soever the sinner may prosper, and the saint be afflicted here!